Michael Reardon

Missing off the coast of Ireland

As reported by climbing.com, the famous American free soloist has been missing off the coast of Ireland since last Friday.  Reports vary, but an eye witness account says that he was swept out to sea by a rogue wave. 

If you have been following the career of Michael, you know he is an outspoken, media friendly type who loves to live on the edge.  Numerous videos and photographs document his uncanny ability to lay it all out on the line. 

Truly gifted climbers like Micheal rarely occur in this age of modern comfort and safety.  Parallels between him and the late Dan Osman are easy to make.  Both lived hard- maybe a little too hard for their peers.  Both seem to exemplify what it is to take the potential of a human and stretch it out to its fullest.  And yet both left behind a wife and family who will miss them dearly. 

It is a reminder to us all that often the greatest human achievement and the frailty of life walk hand in hand.  Whether you agree with his lifestyle and ethics or not, it would be hard not to acknowledge the dearth that is left when such a personality leaves us. 

Andrew Burgoon   [edit] 16:33 17.07.2007


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